Or Shaun wade also from Jax. 5 star Top corner in the country never improved while at pOSU and went in fifth round. (Yes all schools have their...
He’ll check the roster eventually to see that Hudson is not a grad transfer. I guess brockway will have to correct him again. Guy is a complete...
Jeez this ole miss team is unlikable. Bunch of cheating punks.
But it would be much more value added if they come for their official (paid by the school) when we have a coach in place
I agree w everything except vehemently disagree with in n out burger. It is so incredibly overrated. Maybe it’s reputation is bc it was once a...
Not sure if you can deduct state tax from federal taxable income or vice versa. If neither, then $6M-5=1. And 1M x 60% = 600k = 10% x $6M. So $6M...
Home. Taking away his son’s car keys for one week. And no TV!
I was in Shreveport recently and didn’t meet any liberals. What part of Louisiana are you in?
Tealer is an attorney and our contracts lead. Fuchs? Game over. Welcome Chip!
Think about the window he has to write this story. Successfully flooding the site with content that will be irrelevant in 12 hours.
Omg they’re in the upside down?
Pollack (dwag) and herbstreit basically questioned whether Chip Kelly would be successful in the sec because times have changed since he was at...
Since I’ve decided to chime in after 420 pages... who the hell uses the F5 key? I had no idea what the “F#” keys were for.
Above is my first post on this bizarre thread. Anyway, I’d be surprised if CK is announced before Monday...November 27th! Seriously though, it...
Can we get back to the IPA discussion? I’ve been smashing Jai Alais all night. Best IPA on earth.