It’s welfare because your average 2-kid American family does not pay anywhere near $16k in school taxes. So my taxes are going towards funding my...
Nonsense. I could send my kids to private school but I’ll be sending them to public school.
This is what’s getting lost. Everyone I know that’s giddy with the $8k checks was already either sending or planning to send their kids to...
You don’t even have to move. There’s school choice, charter schools. Parents committed to their kids education will find a way to send their kids...
Who asking you to sacrifice your children? You are free to send them to a $100k a year boarding school if you want. Just don’t expect public funds...
I genuinely beleive there’s no fixing this issue. Social media and smart phones have rotted a significant enough % of the population’s brains and...
I agree unfortunately. It would make things worse.
Yes, let’s get to the basics. You love guns. You are going to peddle whatever made up assertions to convince yourself that guns are good. You are...
You claim you have stats. Let’s see them.
Please point me to the statistics that show far more people are saved by guns than killed by them.
Of course you do. And exactly the point.
Such a strange hill to die on.
The ‘good guy with a gun’ is standard excuse the NRA crowd uses to argue that having every dick and harry armed with a gun is a good thing. That’s...
Who knew Oracle engineers were world class athletes? Mind blown.
You completely missed the point.
I guess he is saying once Israel kills enough civilians, Hamas will suddenly and magically grow a conscience? Is a pretty ridiculous take.
Trump is a chiseled 6’3 215 lbs. athlete. Just look at his Fulton County Jail booking papers. Don’t be fooled by video/photos. Everyone knows...
That’s a pretty dissatisfying line up for a ‘beauty’ pageant. And what’s with the make up? Yikes.
That script writes itself!
Bollywood is casting lead actors as we speak. I’m sure India is loving this.