Only 5000? Sold! You know these bad boys will sell at action for 7 figures a few years from now.
Most of the Venezuelans in Westonzuela came with the first wave back in the late 90s, early 2000s. Mostly wealthy, educated folks with the means...
I don’t see it happening unfortunately. It’s Cuba all over again. The military is corrupt. They will not support the people. Tragic really....
Hard to rise up when Maduro controls the military and paramilitary groups that have been more than willing to use violence in the past.
So Christian of you.
Religious faith has zero to do with it. Being outraged by someone allegedly mocking a famous painting is dumb.
Shocking twist!! Who saw this coming?
Catholic here. Don’t give two shits about this. Some of you need to get out more.
It’s not all over the news because it’s not news anymore. These right wing dumb shits talk about civil war all the time. This is the Trump effect....
Musk might be realizing this is no slam dunk. He’s going to have to play both sides.
That’s just splitting hairs. He was put in an impossible position. His party was publicly asking him to step down and the funding dried up. And...
Polls at this point are worthless. Have to let everything settle. But has to worry the GOP that any post convention bump has been evaporated.
Maybe you should check out Trump too. Your aversion to reality would fit in nicely with that crew. lol
Yes, it was well known. The Paula Jones scandal happened during his first term. Some other lady accused him of sexual advances during the 96...
Clinton not a serial adulterer! lol
No, voters don’t get to decide VP. lol
To me it looked like she was still holding the pot and got on the floor because the murderer pulled a gun on her and threatened to shoot her in...
There are crazy people on both sides. Which is exactly why this type of rethoric is dangerous. We like to think it couldn’t happen here, but...