That was a bs call
Down 2 to 1
Ive always heard, You want a leadoff hitter at the 8 or 9 spot.
Cant verify so im.locking.
This has ran its course. Locking to make room gor current topics
I Dont think we will unless its a truly exceptional Brock Bowers type and There arent many of those.
We may be done for today
Joshua Moore Signs with scUM
Tonkura is in
Lete just all pull for whio we get today. Some will be Great, some will transfer at some point. You never know.
Hayden Craig and Mbatchou are in
Charles and Ffrench skgn with Texas
Micah Jones
Trammel Jones. Tre Brown....
Back and forth. I think he wants BUfanda will decide for rhe Gators over Maybe a higher NIL deal.
So, im.pulling into my driveway and a truck pulls in behind me. This is in Georgia btw, the guy gets out delivering a package in a Gator cap. I...
Welcome. Bring your friends
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