and how do you know that?
“Thanks to my coaches, teammates and fam,” Bullard began the rhyme “Helped me become the person I am. All Glory to God, He is major. Thanks to...
Any coach before Ray Graves was before my time. I have no basis for comparison on Woodruff and the guys who preceded him. We were largely...
Dude, you really need to stop pushing your SOS/Meyer opinion. With me anyway. I agree there are many out there who were spoiled by the SOS years...
Well when I think about it, it’s been a long time since we had a head coach I “love”. We can agree to disagree on Will Muschamp. He had his heart...
As a Detroit Lions fan, I really hate that your Packers let that game against SF get away from them last Saturday. Damn
It seems to be impossible anymore to find a piece of written, TV, or radio media that doesn’t inject their politics into the content
Pretty weird response there
Who said anything about SOS and Meyer? This guy inherited a talented roster and abruptly turned his back on the offensive side of the ball. He...
Or we can just ignore a bunch of subjective ratings from a bunch of largely irrelevant self-appointed ‘experts’ who largely have agendas of their...
Keep in mind you’re engaging with Wing here
I think changing your byline to “You know I’m wrong” would be far more appropriate
@ocalaman shows his true colors - again
“for no good reason”? Not Sure If Serious
That was also his offensive line that Mac didn’t have enough of to even run a spring scrimmage with. In my opinion, Will Muschamp and Dan Mullen...
Well stated! It’s amazing how short-sighted (impatient) so many of our fans are. We have the right kind of people running our programs — both...
Impressive GPA so far
Yeah, lawyers too
We find ourselves in total agreement here