If deceased but not actually a "troll", do we pay burial costs?
How would you know who is a troll?
So scUM is not playing in the ACC championship, correct? I don't see how they make the playoffs then. Recent poll has them at 14th but no games...
All time great and loyal recruit. Had some work to do in the classroom but stayed loyal to our Gators. But, he was soooo athletic and seemed...
I am not disappointed nor bashing. Glad he came back to the good guys and hope he contributes.
Fair enough and I agree that we don't need a completely new system. DJ's comfortable, so me too. If nothing else, Billy can concentrate on the...
Not cracking the three deep yet?
Board, I realize we are happy to have Mbatch because it helps recruiting and he might turn out to be a ball player. But he seems like that guy...
I knew it all along.
What about Jacobi Jackson? Good for him.
Hope he's able to contribute eventually.
But they are in the playoffs and it doesn't matter to a player how they get there. It looks good. That said, I won't be surprised if he flips back...
Why, can play OT? He's smallish. Listed at 280 but in recruiting, could mean 270. Please, for the love of god, nobody cry because I referenced his...
Napier is never going to take himself out of the spotlight or give up control. He's happy with himself and his vision. We are going to have to...
Norvell was embarrassed. That's it, nothing more. boo hoo buddy. You lost. You and your team are not competitive. That's on you.
Great game Gators. Proud of the players.
Big get. I am guessing we can take four more? Make them count.