Is it possible Putin used his old schoolmate and the Wagner group to identify those in need of purging?
War must be drawing to an end. Black Rock and JP Morgan setting up a reconstruction bank? I know a deal has been in place for months but this is...
This one is old but I thought it was really funny [IMG]
MSN IRS didn’t seize tax documents. They seized background check form 4473 - 15+ years worth. Search warrant only specified “financial records.”...
Correct but you are not powerless to refuse to sign them. That is a form of negotiation.
To quote the Indigo Girls, “I spent four years prostrate to the higher minds, got my paper and I was free.” I have learned so much more on my own...
At the K-12 level, accreditation is a joke. The agency comes for 1-5 days, takes a look around, and signs a certificate. Any school can put on a...
Yes they would. People should stop pretending that the game is played between Rs and Ds and just admit the fact that the game is played between...
Ok I’ll try it. Congrats to the government of Pennsylvania for getting out of the way for long enough to let the hardworking construction crews do...
I love how for years liberals have claimed there are really two systems of justice in this country. One for the white rich folks and one for...
Forget Macro and micro. Personal finance is all you need in high school. It’s all most kids will ever need. In fact, the only thing kids really...
We the people send you trillions in tax dollars and for once you did your job. Bully for you. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut on occasion.