Instead of bailing water out of a boat we could fix the hole first. Maybe we should go after predatory education lenders.
Tax cuts without corresponding spending cuts = "Republican" Increases in taxes that trail far behind increases in spending = "Democrat" Result is...
A bunch of buffoons criminally trespassing in the capital being called an insurrection is a a grand example of "First World Problems." An...
If you want to turn down business who are we to stop you?
There's a place for affirmative action - I'm not agreeing with the court's decision, but to say that no black person CAN succeed in a merit based...
I have no problem with shrinking the force and expanding non-policing. Edit: This statement reflects a MASSIVE shift in my personal political...
I agree. What I am saying is if you want them to hire people other than hammers, you have to have a philosophy of use change in Law Enforcement....
Because LE agencies are hiring based on the current paradigm, not what you or I propose it SHOULD be
I’m saying MANY situations don’t need “policing.” Hire accordingly. Hostage situation, yes, send in the door kickers. Traffic stops, expand the...
Yeah I agree with this. Militarization of police forces are bad for liberty.
I think it depends on your philosophy of use of LE. I think you can divide the force into subsections that specialize in different activities....
Well English was her second language so yeah the verbal logic made no sense to her
He's got that BTE Big Trunk Energy
You are right. That wasn't about coping. Most of the jokes I saw about the submersible had to do with crappy engineering, a video game...
If we are being totally honest here is what is happening: A coalition of single issue voters are coalescing around Trump, same as 2016. Some of...
The fascination with this topic astounds me.
Generally, I agree - the percentages agree too. However, I have taught some truly brilliant kids who were lousy test takers. One girl comes to...
Some of us process things through laughter. On 9/11 a classmate of mine made a joke that he hoped the owner of the building was up to date on...
That's quite a high bar he's setting in a place known for its' crooked politics.
I agree and this used to be a more liberal issue. Now it seems more center. Neither extreme left nor extreme right tolerate free speech,...