He is a long distance swimmer according to his own social media. Either toxicology will reveal something is off or the autopsy will. I'm betting...
Not surprising. It's our job as teachers to push students beyond "identify".
I haven't read this entire thread. Question, who is doing the pushing?
I teach Civics, which just had it's standards revised. Here is what I see - no hype, just fact. 1) Tinker vs Des Moines has been removed from the...
Rescued from all of the above, brother. Organizations (private and public) out there are bringing kids in who have been trafficked, who have been...
I say release the tapes and let the chips fall where they may.
Same - 60 pounds so far. Pre-Diabetes gone, HBP gone, migraines gone. I eat beef/lamb, eggs, butter, and fruit that is IN SEASON only. Watermelon...
Yes he framed it awkwardly - so I clarified. Still can't figure out why a pharmaceutical company would want the results of their trials hidden...
They requested the records be sealed for 75 years.
He asked for an alternative explanation and I provided one
Sickle Cell?
There's the part that irks me. How can you leave out food and energy prices when you calculate inflation? Price on eggs, beef, and the like are...
Something about Wall St and Main St. can’t remember who said it
Yes. A 3 year old coming out as anything is almost certainly nurture. A 12 year old or 18 year old, not sure. It could be both or just one.
Unless the studio looked up the history, knew it would stir up controversy, and shot it there anyway to simply sell records.
So they can't develop the tech for sale to western countries who prefer a less efficient form of energy and not hold themselves to the same...
I can argue both - and the question of the hot war with China comes from the DOD, not me.
What if the studio picked the location, drummed up the controversy, and made this song the most discussed song of the year, simply to sell albums?...
I'll be much more on board with renewable sources of energy when we can source them from countries we don't expect to be in a hot war with the...
The answer was basically, if you joined before they filed. If you're interested, there is a really good video by "Forgotten Weapons" on Youtube...