The range of people that have to have their heads plucked from the sand is disheartening. It spans a very broad spectrum if University systems...
I should have said hospitalizations. There have been over 300,000 hospitalizations related to Covid 19. Setting that error aside, my point is...
Not for the 130,000 dead people and hundreds of thousands of others that had extended ICU stays. And their friends, family and coworkers.
Is this sarcasm?
Are you being sarcastic. I’m trying to distinguish between where you are wrong and where you are trying to be funny and I’m going to need some help.
What about nice reversion. There’s an abundance of mean in the discussion already. Arguing with folks that love a straw man is pointless and this...
Blue collar workers are in much greater danger. It’s true in many ways and Covid is just another example. The hospitalizations are following...
This was inevitable. The daily admissions were a little over 100 about three weeks ago and over 225 a day now. That spiking infection rate...
Enjoy the 4th. May it be with you.
I've got 17 nieces and nephews spread around Florida, Louisiana, Virginia and Nevada. Three with the virus so far. I'm putting the over/under at...
I just found out two more of my nieces have the virus. Louisiana branch this time. Bridal shower. So far all the careless people in my family...
Singapore too. We can’t even get the President to act on masks. [ATTACH]
Germany has mask kiosks. Because they are actually taking appropriate steps to slow the spread. [ATTACH]
Numbers are his thing. Talking about them and questioning them. It’s an art form really. You have to appreciate the artistry.
Mask Wars - Could make a good reality TV show.
Hospitalizations in Texas have risen from 1,511 on Memorial Day to 5,523 today. For those convinced rising case counts shouldn’t be too worrisome...
Workers removed thousands of social distancing stickers before Trump’s Tulsa rally, according to video and a person familiar with the set-up...
My wife switched from working in ICU (burn) to a centralized patient placement center for multiple hospitals in her chain. The beds are filling...
My 20 year old niece has it. She lives with my 60 year old brother in law who has dialysis every day. The young getting infected isn’t a magic...