You do understand that if folks go back to work in high contact or medium contact jobs they are going to NEED regular testing even without...
My wife is a nurse and works in the ICU. She can’t get a test unless she has symptoms. Testing is very much still an issue. There is an article...
I very much want America to rise up from this pandemic. We are going to need a serious test, trace and isolate plan in place to do so and am...
Yep, there are now only 40 countries that have tested more per capita than the US. It used to be just shy of 50. We're getting better. I don't...
I'm just pointing out that the models are built upon the premise that more activity will equate to more spread. I used the info graphic to show...
I didn't realize I was pointing at a scoreboard. I thought I was providing an info graphic for folks to consider, digest and discuss.
I didn't say we shouldn't try. I don't think there is anyone arguing we can stay bunkered down forever and not have society implode. It is how...
As we "re-open" our economy by relaxing our social distancing it is interesting to look at the countries that surround Sweden. Sweden and the...
There are far too many complete and utter morons in the world. “A security guard at a Family Dollar store in Flint, Michigan, was shot and killed...
Here is a different look. Our states and other countries listed by death per million. I stopped at Florida's 64 per million. Our national average...
So a day after Trump replies to a reporter that we will be at 5 million tests a day, he denies he said it. Keep in mind, the reporter asked it...
Does anyone believe he’s got the slightest idea of what’s going on with testing other than touting the total tests to date? The path to getting...
Do as I say, not as I do. You learn that in all the great leadership courses. Atta boy Pence. You don't need no stinkin' mask. o_O This...
I lived there for 2.5 years. Anyone who has lived there understands why it spread much more in that setting.
Try Google. I’m thinking European Population would work.
As a point of reference, Louisiana has the fifth highest deaths per million amongst the states. If the country was at their rate, we would have...
His reference was multiply nationwide deaths by ten. As a side note - I’m not saying he is or is not ok with that number in exchange for a...
It isn’t, but I don’t think the majority of the American public would be in favor of (your ten times number) 500,000 Covid19 deaths. It’s more...