Bill cooking with his "Egg" means everything is right with Gator Nation..............
Great to have you back Bill and so happy that you are back home with your family. Diamond Gators was not the same without your presence. Stay...
Hope everything is OK Bill. If I may ask what are you recovering from?????
100 PAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations @74nole, @GatorLurker and most recently @Bazza............. One of the few threads (besides "Game...
AWESOME recovery Bill............ When you don't have your "fastball" out of the pen, you have to rely on your secondary...
gtj; Honestly there "should" be no doubt that Pete is the Met's All Star this year. Forget what a great half he is having, none of the other...
Bill/Lurker; What the hell.................... This thread was on PAGE 3!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you guys on diets or something?????? :D:D:ninja3:
6-8 weeks?????????? Dang Bill, that is really tough. So sorry for what you (and everybody) is going thru because of Micheal.............. Hang in...
Bill/Lurk; Serious question............... With the awesome amount of food you both seem to eat on a daily basis (plus ice cold longnecks) how do...
John; Not to butt in, but Satchels is #1 with my family, but Big Lou's is a real close second........... Depends on where you live since Big Lou's...
Bill; I just read your dinner menu to my wife and she said two things............... 1) YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2) Please ask Bill...
Bill; You are more than welcome.
Bill; I am so sorry to hear about your Mom's passing. My families thoughts and prayers will be with yours during this difficult time. As you...
Bill; No "ice cold longnecks"?????? I am crushed............. You have been an inspiration for me with beers being a consistent item on your...
Is it just me or does anyone else gain 5 pounds every time they click on this thread?????? :D:D:D
Saw yesterday in the papers that Disco won Monday night for the Reds........... He is now 6-0 this year, not a great ERA, but Cincinnati stinks...
As an added what could have been.................. Lance is now 2-0 with Houston with a 1.88 ERA. He threw a complete game Wednesday night against...