Yet another example of the disaster that is about to occur courtesy of this jammed through legislation and counties that are wholly unprepared to...
Are there? 1844 throughout Florida.
Reminds me of the podcast The Improvement Association.
An incredible thread on Florida, Disney and the RCID. [MEDIA] Strongly recommend the entire thread.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot? US fast tracking Phoenix Ghost drones and delivering 120 of them to Ukraine.
It is! That’s a thing! Justicibility is the umbrella that things like standing fall under that a court has to consider before it gets to the...
Your original premise was not meaningful. It was akin to saying that any case is constitutional because it involves judicial review, which is a...
Just a reminder that coup attempts without punishment are just practice runs. [MEDIA]
I understand your point, but almost every case, particularly in administrative law, can be brought back to the constitution in some way or...
No, you didn’t. That case is a finding that an administrative agency acted outside its statutory mandate from Congress. It’s not a constitutional...
Interesting… [MEDIA]
I agree with your first paragraph. That’s the way a democratic republic operates. And Disney can choose to switch horses. But retribution...
Not at all. You’re assuming a negative.
I don’t think hiking taxes on residents of Orange and Osceola county to the tune of $2200 per family and putting those counties in a position to...
And here’s the not so quiet part out loud. [MEDIA]
Weird. I thought conservatives were against cancel culture. :ninja2:
Pro tip. See there where it says “share” in the tweet? Press that, copy the link and paste the link in. GC will do the rest.
You can’t parody these people. [MEDIA] Maybe you should have thought of that before engaging in an insurrection. Buy an alarm system.
Ah, so now you’re resorting to the canard that people who are gay are necessarily pedophiles? Man, it’s going to blow your mind to learn that...
And boycott ABC…and ESPN…and Pixar…and Lucasfilm…and 20th Century Fox…and Touchstone…and Searchlight…and National Geographic…and…