Numbers 4 and 5 coming directly after number 3 made me chuckle.
It would seem that this is either 1) a coverup of the cheating of 2020 or 2) something done “as usual” but cannot be both.
It always takes a few weeks before the popular vote count is completed.
The educational benefits of school choice, if they exist, are expected to come from experimentation. The first years should theoretically be...
Agreed. He’s conservative on social issues and liberal on economic ones. Ie the worst of both worlds.
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but if Lagway were to return this week, your prediction isn’t crazy.
Thanks Ben. I’ve been super fascinated by the functioning of the prediction markets in this election. I posted this article in another thread, but...
This is possible, but this is basically how I feel about the Republican Party. You don’t know best about what your kids should read, so we’re...
Your point is a good one. For the many turned off by the exclusive attitude of the left, they look to the other side of the aisle to find a bunch...
What is a reliable source of truth?
Indeed it is a problem worth consideration. Here’s Madison from Federalist 10: No man is allowed to be a judge in his own cause because his...
Better if they aren’t whatever loyal means to President Trump, but we still likely have a narrowing of viewpoint if he is selecting based on...
Scott Alexander of Astral Codex Ten offers a very thoughtful analysis on prediction markets, including their success and the possible biasing from...
The same president appointing 6 USSC justices would be a serious disaster. Especially when that president believes everyone he appoints should be...
I don’t think that’s what the ESPN article said. I think it says that the title IX privacy laws can be overridden by other state or federal...
It is all too easy to see God in our own image.
You rang? :D
Trust me, Gr8t, many people, I included, know how you feel. And indeed, the dem party was in control of one of the scenarios, but each of these...
Well said. This message need not be addressed to any particular group, but I’m compelled by the argument that the greatest and most radical thing...
Last season, there was a lot of questioning Walton’s decision to leave Mia in the lineup. To be fair, she batted .164 on the year, so this was not...