Warner with a pretty quick step.
Difference is you didn't have a HBC dancing after the D gave up 52 points. Quite a bit better defensive showing this time around.
My question is, why is Waites playing? Don't we have anyone else?
He has spent what 16 years keeping his mouth shut, setting an example and now that he is one of us, he's saying what we all want to say.
Who was Saban's longest-serving assistant, longer than all of the others almost combined? Who shared the same defensive philosophy as Saban?...
The other issue is once again we haven't improved along the offensive line and I would argue we have gotten worse. I know it's one game, but I...
Oh sure, if we can somehow throw to them 1) in stride rather than stopping at a spot and then run after catch, 2) we don't throw to them it at the...
Sure SOS ran similar plays every game, but it's difficult to cover 4 receivers and the qb throws to a spot on the field. It takes the right QB...
So the Miami DC is interviewed after the game and here's what he has to say about our offense: Miami admits they easily predicted Florida...
Kiffen. End of story.
Well the Miami DC was quoted by Ali Peek as saying, he looked at last year's games and wrote down the 5 or 6 most used plays and sure enough the...
We are to lose recruits. Glover, a 3 star offensive lineman, who took florida off the table after the game. He wasn't that interested in us...
If there isn't a massive difference by Game 4, he's gone. A&M and FSU appear to have opened up for us to win and if we can't beat A&M at home,...
What I've noticed is Napier runs the same plays. How we started against Miami is exactly how we started against Utah last year. He had 7 months...
If he had issues with LSU's team, he's going to have a stroke watching #70 and 75 give their impression of watching paint dry.
To be fair, look at what they practice with. It's not like the offense is playing against Georgia's defense nor is our defense playing against a...
It's because he was given a 2 year pass. Training wheels are off.
This. That's why he said he's not coming back if you just listen to him. He's talking about himself, not just Mullen or Napier. Meyer's style...
The bright side and I have to say it because it is a big deal. 2 penalties, both roughing the passer. Meaning? The offense had zero penalties...
Not blaming the crowd, just that the crowd was expecting something to happen, bad or good. Once it went bad, it went quiet. Josh was at the game...