of course my experience is my experience. Although we are fortunate in that our family income is fairly high, we actually use the insurance I...
America’s failure to offer healthcare to its citizens ? Like Canada and the UK? You think united is bad ? People in Canada and UK would pay...
Riiiiiight. Let me pull up all the times you called Hillary, bill and Obama supporters cultists.
President Obama Lighted Hand-Blown Glass Christmas Ornament President William "Bill" Clinton Ornament Hillary Clinton, Quote Wood Ornament
I can understand issues with policy but who cares about people on both ends agreeing to terms and making a free market transaction. Nobody is...
America’s best-known practitioner of youth gender medicine is being sued Now, however, Dr Olson-Kennedy is being sued by a former patient,...
you have removed all doubt you are an actual person and 100% convinced you are a bot/troll.
think both are mincing words. Any person willing to seduce and have sex with his dead brother’s wife, the creepometer is off the scale. That...
Makes you ask…... If he is pardoning Hunter now. What doozy pardons are coming ?
I disagree with most of what JMDZ says, but in this example he is 100% right. I’ve dealt with both family and friends with addiction and it’s...
This act doesn’t move the needle for me at all, and really don’t care. What I do find interesting is this confirms what we all already knew....
So what axios calls the most diverse cabinet in US history just got more diverse with the first Indian American being nominated for FBI director....
I’m not a guitar guy and have no idea what makes a good guitar, so I’m asking what is the gripe? Is it the shape? I imagine it can’t be...
we get it. We get it. It’s been made clear that if you are AA and you voted for trump ‘you ain’t black’. If you’re white and voted for trump...
Cool. Another article blaming coms on Kamala losing, oh and people just don’t understand the nuance. Keep writing them…..Please .
Couldn’t care much less. Guy is as phony as Oprah. Wasted Chicago residents money. Their problem. They want to free him that’s up to them.
. Mr. Obama asserted that “some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come back.” “When somebody says . . . that he’s going to bring...
Of course you find a thread like this weak. It’s takes an ultra lib like Ezra Klein, who couldn’t be more coastal elite if he tried and tells...
Sounds like execs running Saks disagree in before anecdotal alert https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/12/nyregion/saks-light-show-canceled.html...