Thanks for the link. Goes along with my thoughts that outside a nuclear exchange Putin is no threat to Western Europe. He can’t even run a...
Just read the entire manifesto. If you look hard enough, you can find it. Heart breaking read to hear someone struggle so much. Nothing I read...
I’ve followed this as well and nobody in my orbit thought Merchan was going to rule any other way and not suprised by this ruling.
This whole thing is a coms and optics nightmare for the WH. First they gaslight and tell people they are seeing planes. Then they say no...
you’re dipping into the gatorjo level of reasoning.
Fully realize many on this board won’t like this. I said it back in September above. Their ability to conduct operations in densely populated... thankfully bibi and the IDF didn’t listen to those truly...
belt grading systems are a snapshot. Just means at some in that persons life they tested and passed that level of (insert martial art here)....
yes that is as one of many things I saw that indicated to me he had very little training not just in technique but in ability to manage the entire...
No doubt about your comments above. My posting history would indicate I’m no fan of Bragg. I was speaking to and limiting my comments to...
I’ve heard that too. But haven’t read any official reports. when we train once I get myself into position, I squeeze for about a second and...
I would not label myself an expert, as that term should be reserved for a very select few, but I spend 2-3 hours daily training and instructing...
good catch. Maybe trump should try visiting all 57 states “It is wonderful to be back in Oregon,”...
Ban on puberty blockers to be made indefinite on experts’ advice So maga UK bans puberty blockers
Another excellent pick. Dartmouth and UVa. Nice pedigree. You Go Girl. if you oppose her it’s only because you are sexist, misogynist and...
of course the our resident Che Guevara groupie would have absurd ice cold take. ……..Viva la revolucion.
doing something worthwhile ? The man has revolutionized pretty much everything he touches. Job well done sir
. was just typing something similar….. seemingly pointing out the obvious. And then maybe making inroads on actually Getting some the help...
fair enough, but I’d argue that more of a semantics vs results.
I’m not and have never been anti union. I just understand there are additional costs associated with collective bargaining. I’ve been doing...