Welcome to the Gators, Elijhah!
Love that we battled, but the HR is what saved us. We can't seem to rally lately. Oh well. I'll take it and let's win this series tomorrow!! Go...
Gators staying alive by the skin of their hides!
Good sac there. Now lets get a fly ball or hit!
I think that hitting streak was getting to Cags. He is really loose today.
Condon will be dangerous at the bottom of the 10th. Gotta score at least one. here.
We control our own destiny. Win or go home. Let's see what happens. I'm rooting for less strikeouts today? :eek: Go Gators!
Now is the time to be as scrappy as possible. We got to find any way possible to get some wins or our season will be in the books. I'm hoping for...
Attrition will happen. He will be on Scholarship eventually if he puts his head down, works hard, and shows everyone his heart is on being a Gator!
I did. I said walk him after 2-0
Only thing left is Cags’ hitting streak.
He Still is over 90. Might have been his last inning.
Needed this one. Hope we get some luck against UK. Go Gators!
Wow, USF has 7 out of 9 over .300? Yikes.
Well one ugly win down. Let’s get another tomorrow with Cags! Go Gators!
I was surprised how well our pitching held against Arky. Our offense let us down. There is hope that we are turning the corner. But this is a HUGE...
I listen to WRUF anyway! lol
It was Arkys media. It’s our media when its a home series.
9-5! Arky’s first loss at home against SEC! 22-21. We need a series win at home and we may sneak into a regional. Go Gators and thank You Cags!