I will likely use this tactic in the future. It worked!
I hear what you’re saying and I don’t completely disagree but…This Gator team has SHATTERED all expectations and they are one of the last 8 teams...
Plus she could give us much needed practice against the change up lol.
I saw that hug. Sportsmanship and humanity at its best. I’d take Binford in a second if she wants to come. With talent present and incoming CTW...
After a pretty bad mental fart momentum changed and things started to spiral. But GRIT has been the defining word for this team this season....
Baylor truly played a great series and gave us far more than we wanted. I hope all the Baylor ladies, after the tears and disappointment hold...
They certainly did their best to piss me off lol. In the end I muted them and turned to the voice of the greatest super Gator fan of all, Mr Kyle...
So much to digest in this game. I can’t process it all right now. Our ladies came through with the win. One way or another our seniors careers...
Top of our lineup is up next inning and they are do.
Lock it down Keagan, let’s stay positive everyone.
The intensity in the eyes of Korbe Otis in the batters box reminds me of Kelsey Bruder.
Show them what you’re made of Lady Gators! Start fast, furious and don’t let up. No mercy! Actually please mercy rule them. Go Gators!
She was beyond brilliant last postseason.
Wow indeed. Canady must have hit some kind of wall this postseason.
Oh well. No tears for fsu.
More reason to have a safety bag. Both players could have been seriously hurt. Tamu player did nothing malicious imo, just going for the bag....
Hope fsu can force a game three, don’t want anyone to have an easy path except us lol.
Yup and we start even earlier tomorrow lol.
Tamu holds on 6-5. What a game.
Yeah shocker unfolding in Austin. Texas just hit grand slam. 6-4 A&M.