I’m a blue devil fan right now.
Murphy plan was to make Skylar a catcher so maybe he’s not the smartest.
I’ll give a gold star to anyone who can list every umpire in this World Series because I want to know. My gold stars unfortunately carry no real...
Obstruction is what bama should have challenged because runner was obviously out. Obstruction is the new illegal pitch. I wonder how much money...
Thankfully winning is the one and only thing our Ladies can control. Get that win Ladies. Go Gators!
I didn’t want to even bring up losing. Staying in winner’s bracket more important than ever.
Unfortunately that’s unlikely. I have a rain stick and I’m willing to dance but I don’t have any anti rain/lightning sticks.
Or maybe they get the gauntlet! Glass half full buddy. But yeah Jesus lol.
So if our game gets pushed to tomorrow which looks incredibly likely our reward for winning would be nothing? As in no day off?
The fewer games that get played today the better for us.
World Series Bound!!! Celebrate!
WCWS here we come! Go Gators!
Lmao. Skylar however is too classy for that. Skylar is also my number one pick for back alley combat. She’s just an absolute stud. Heart and...
I don’t think kittie likes tamu lol. I don’t either but a kid celebrating a play isn’t an issue to me.
She’s a kid, they had a moment. We swept the series. I’ve got no ill will towards her.
Well our Gators are going to the WCWS, pretty cool.
That soccer thing in South Africa years back? Yup that was annoying lol.
Texas is/are pretenders from that conference. I absolutely hate saying this but Oklahoma is still the team to beat.
I’m calling a tamu upset. I also don’t care.
Now we face our good old friend Kenny (who I still miss) in game one of the WCWS. Talk about two coaches who know each other lol.