Peterson threw 60-65 pitches saturday, i would think he could start tonight.
Terrible called 3rd strike last AB, but not a great day either way at the plate.
They gonna pitch to Jac at least twice today haha
Nice AB for Thomas
Neely making some money this month.
Got that dog in him haha
Radio guys saying he's been rubbing his elbow.
I wonder if he's sick or something, who wasn't we had pitch game 1 years ago and ended up being sick or dehydrated. Was it Randall?
For people who have been before, what's the best way to purchase tickets? If this is the wrong place to ask, move if need be.
I have never disliked Clemson, always kinda rooted for them when they played FSU/Bama. After this weekend, I kinda understand why our Carolina...
That's kinda dumb, say your piece to the umpire and then handle it with the kid in the dugout so he doesn't embarrass himself.
The way our guys were talking on the radio, the whole situation seemed to be pretty mild. They were worried that the lengthy review was going to...
What was the head coach thinking by bringing the Creighton kid to the field after being told he was ejected? I had to listen to game, and haven't...
I couldn't believe he was left in so long,it felt like 7 hits in a row then a FC that pulled the 2nd baseman off the bag and another hit before...
6-0 pack
NC state putting on a bunting clinic. 4-0 pack
I only watched FSU play against UF this year, that's one of the better lineups I can remember seeing all year. It felt like every single spot was...
Is that the younger Washburn kid? I had heard he and his older brother were probably a package deal.
He's definitely been that, I'm just hoping he's got that postseason dog in him haha
I did ask for that. I see it more like Peterson is the only guy who might can give us 6 innings everyone else is just an opener and anything...