Honk if you sacked Troy Smith!
Because of his position he should be Avoiding situations that would open him to accusations of bias. Of course we know that ship sailed long ago
However, the high school male player will deliver a shot with more speed, strength and force. Much greater risk of injury
I would not want to be one of the unfortunate souls on an electric tugboat taking on water.
The same with my grandfather. He was a buyer for Bib and then for Kraft, out of Lakeland. Gave me one of those knives which I still have, though I...
One of the most amazing stats about Tebow is that he has more rushing touchdowns than Herschel and one fewer passing touchdowns than Peyton Manning.
Recency bias notwithstanding, I would go with Kyle Pitts for number one for all the reasons you mentioned. However Wes Chandler would be my big...
Jimmy Dubose- a powerhouse
Casper College hosts an annual jazz festival and brings in an artist/clinician each year. Victor was here ten or more years ago.
You do know Victor played with the Miami sound machine?
Yes, Victor Lopez and Chris Pratt were one and one a. By interesting coincidence Victor Lopez was guest artist at a jazz festival here in Casper...
I was a pretty good high school trumpet player and was attending Florida as a freshman in 1972. I was not a music major but wanted to play in the...
Keep in mind that Billy spent some time in the Saban system where we have observed for years the large number of assistant coaches, Quality...
Sarkisian? So soon?
They should run an ad for the SEC network the next break.
Yes, we talked about it before. I saw Al Hirt on a gator band trip to LSU, 1972. We stayed in a hotel near Bourbon Street on Friday night, drove...
Fun to see your list of concerts. We have such similar range of tastes. On the symphony side I saw Toronto, Leningrad, and London Symphony...