The vast majority of baseball-playing humanity can’t compare to a HOF player’s plate approach.
Why are you so sure 2024 college baseball is so much more talented than 2019? Not just UF, but the entire sport? Not saying you’re wrong, just...
I always chuckle at the prominent posters on this site who wanted to run Ty off 1.5-2 years ago.
Only if he plays for UF.
And the next guy pulls a muscle in his back trying to warm up. Bizarre.
Vandy cheats? Should we be surprised?
That was middle school baseball BS.
Just a quick point, the military’s primary purpose is to spend taxpayer money. It’s a massive jobs program, an economic engine, too big to fail....
Thanks for joining the conversation. It’s always interesting watching people come out when we start to suck. They’re noticeably absent when...
Fire Sully! Let’s run off another great coach, in true Gator Nation fashion!
And Colby Halter.
Sigh, again.
Great way to end his slump hopefully.
Nope, HRs or nothing is the hill we’re gonna die on apparently.
Let’s drive up this new guy’s pitch count! Oh wait, we don’t do that.
You talking about us or Missouri? I’m kidding. I think.
Tough to tell from the high school stadium-style camera angle.
It’s clickbait. Gotta generate content, even if it’s silly BS.
A sweep against arguably the worst team in the SEC would be huge. Why can’t I shake the feeling that we’re going to make them look CWS-bound?