Organist doesn’t bother me nearly as much as the silly emcee clown.
No need for the green sarcastic font when you make true statements.
Accurate. Ed Servais announced he is retiring after the 2025 season, so Kingston is Assistant (to the) Head Coach until then.
I’m thinking 9am tomorrow morning. I sent a strongly worded email to the CWS folks demanding they have bloody marys at the concessions or else...
Yes, a good team playing interesting opponents will usually lead to bigger crowds. I don’t expect us to be a good team. We will see, hope I’m wrong.
Based on the current forecast, our game will be postponed. That said, it’s Omaha and the current forecast has changed in the 15 seconds it took...
We’ve had a bunch of games with less than 90k paid in the seats the last decade. We’ll see a lot more of those going forward, even before the...
Back from the game. Really proud of our team and our fans- they showed up great today. We might be 7/8 in terms of fanbases here, but at least...
Hapoens every year now that they went to the best of 3 champ series. The teams with an extra day rest entering the CWS have a shortened day if...
Couldn’t get a single run. Embarrassing.
Did I say 10-1 ATM fans? More like 20-1.
Mikey appeared to be playing really shallow
ATM fans outnumber Gators 10-1. We have the weakest fan showing of all 8 teams, and it’s not that close.
Stadium staff went to “skeleton crew”. So far looks like attendance will be way more than “skeleton”. Concession lines are horrific. Bad bad...
;);) “in all kinds of weather”, just not after bedtime…
I’m one of them, The Slowdown is slammed right now
Unregard, tornado is northwest of Omaha and no factor. But big storms still coming from the cell to the southwest
Tornado warning southwest of Omaha
I’d guess we don’t start til 830pm local. Big storms coming but they’re southwest of Lincoln.
The SEC absolutely despises UF. In all sports. I respond in kind. F the SEC.