Sounds like Clinton read Nobel laureate Milton Friedman's Tyranny of the Status Quo (1984) Friedman gave Reagan and Alan Greenspan credit for the...
So when did I bring up your homosexuality? Supply a quote.
N You sound kinda gay but can you show me where I made that insinuation?
Are you talking about Navalny? He never got higher than 2% in any Russian poll. Putin got 87% of the vote in the last election. You have zero...
My late friend AArnaud de Borchgrave, perhaps the greatest foreign policy journalist America ever had, would 100% agree with what I said. He would...
The real domestic threat is you. People with your mindset are not capable of cutting spending to the degree needed. The biggest mistake Reagan...
Nope. Get the spending to a low enough percent of national income and the other problems will take care of themselves.
If we don't get gov't spending and deficits under control then the economy collapses. That:s bad for retail sales.
The federal gov't always spends. everything it takes in revenue plus whatever else everything it can get away with. Giving the gov',t more and...
The best way to help the economy long term is to cut government spending as a percent of national income. A $3 ,trillion federal budget with a...
I researched it around 15 years ago. Think about states like Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina. Lots of minorities who vote...
Ukraine was roughly half Russian-speakers. They were the biggest supporters of Yanukovych, who was democratically elected in free and fair...
It's primarily Democrats in the Red States who are on some form of welfare.
Yanukovych was elected president of Ukraine in 2010. International observers said the election was free and fair. Maybe some Nazis in n Western...
Classic word salad
Trump learned from his first term mistakes. He is trying to radically reduce spending, buteacracy and regulations, reduce corporate taxes and...
Trump didn't start the war in Ukraine. Putin didn't start the war in Ukraine. The people YOU voted for started the war. Along with the entrenched...
Russia was the #6 economy in the world by GDP(PPP) when the war in Ukraine began. Since then Russia has surpassed Germany and Japan, rising to #4....
Even Fed Chairman Powell stated in July 2024 that the US was on an unsustainable path. You think our massive deficits were sustainable?