Agree. We should also conscript them to the military if they want to be Americans.
Personal responsibility. Should not be eligible for insurance and cost shift to others. Hope the kids survive the FAFO lifestyle.
Close it. We all know Brown v Board is on the chopping block. Let it run its course.
I see it differently. The government has a contract with a vendor (JQP Co). The vendor, who is capitalistic inclined, has to earn a margin. The...
I don’t see Trump going so far to ignore a court decision. He has a SCOTUS Trump card, so he isn’t too worried about lower court judges. Just puts...
My bad. I thought you were a business owner and employed people. Just thought you would get that the PPP was intended to pay employees and hence...
March 27, 2020. Who signed the CARES Act and all that sweet PPP loans? Both parties pulled out the money machine. [img]
Bingo. We got insel team 6. 100% the American people are behind rooting out and exposing all those special interests who have crapped on American...
[img] Americans are behind his agenda. We are all willing to pay more because he is the savior! Winning!!!
Fantastic! Raw video only. No more edits allowed by all media companies! An excellent idea!
Vance should let out as many of his inner voice ideas as possible. Keep them comking [sic].
Wooohooo! Keep breaking things Pubs. Winning!
Bravo. Keep breaking things.
Keep Going Cons. Break as much as you can. [img]
Who cares if he said “I’m sorry”? No verbal warning. Shoot first, ask questions later? That is reprehensible.