Bases juiced, no outs for Kowalewski
FC Bunt by Kistler...all safe for now, pending review
Walsh walks...1st/2nd, no outs
Erickson walks...Baylor pitcher smirks
Mid 5th Baylor 3 Gators 4
Kistler now thinks out #2 was the 3rd out.
Baylor 2-run HR
After 4 innings: Baylor 1 Gators 4
Supposedly she has the yips throwing normally back to the pitcher.
Falby has had a disappointing post-season.
Wake up ladies. This game isn't over.
Just inexcusable mistakes in that half inning.
Terrible base running mistakes blow a potential BIG inning.
WTH are you doing Kistler
Hard to question Otis. But I never like swinging 1st pitch after a walk.
Oh God. Wearing those hideous football # jerseys.
Rothrock has a bad habit of getting up in the count and either giving up a free pass or too good of a pitch that can be hit.
Falby has not looked good at the plate.
Patience Ava
Get some runs please