After thinking that game could be a loss without him, I'd agree.
I think I'd put in the fourth string QB who runs the option well.
They finally call a team for doing the Gator chomp in the end zone. It's been going on in every game this year.
All except the linemen had one foot at the 36.5 y/l & their body at the 36 y/l, further than the required one yard from the line of scrimmage (35...
Is Warner the QB that runs the option well?
Well s***.
The field is in horrible shape.
Problem is that Lagway seems to be better on the long passes and here we are the short field.
One of the Georgia safeties that's out for the first half went & chest bumped Lagway and got in his face after he was down out of bounds.
Georgia holding all over the place and it looked like a personal foul at the end on the tackle.
Announcers just said it's the first time since 1956 that a team has fallen so far from one year to the next as fsu did from last to this year.
Seems like a waste of a time out.
Let's stick to the narrative here. This indicates terrible coaching. Neither of these coaches should be at UF.
Probably < 2% chance of doing so, but just for fun, where do you think we'd rank after each win? Beat UGA - "Others receiving votes" Beat Texas -...
It really is. You can't beat fat + salt.
I love a bacon-themed thread, start dishing it out! [ATTACH]
imho, if we continue playing like this & beat fsu Napier is probably retained. I'd support another year. If we start over, how long will a rebuild...
I did not remember this until I played it. I miss the old NFL. [MEDIA]