Vance is a polished ivy-league millennial who's adept at code-switching his personalities and seems to prefer a big stage to interacting with...
I'm a definite yes on 3 and 4. Very likely no on 1, 2, and 6. Leaning against 5 but open-minded and want to read a bit more of the arguments.
I first thought Vance was expressing empathy but then thought maybe he repeated it because he wanted to call it into question.
I personally thought it was a decent discussion but have already seen a couple people calling it boring.
I wasn't asking about 2020 but about 2024. If the information you posted that is available now is an indictment of the Trump administration (as...
If it's an indictment of every administration, including the Trump administration, why do you predict that it will tilt the election to Trump?
We've talked about Amendment 3 and Amendment 4 in other threads but thought it would be good to have a thread for all of the proposed amendments....
I have known about Delta 8 and Delta 9, which are legal - but only recently heard about THCA. Anybody else tried it? I bought a THCA vape this...
Curious, what do you think is actually driving most of the opposition? I've considered things to include "reefer madness"; pharma not wanting...
Yeah, I intended to leave liquor/spirits out of my analogy because they are not even treated the same as wine and beer. I'm sure that's due not...
Not disagreeing with you about the possible tax motive, but out of curiosity - wouldn't the same motive exist to prohibit people from making their...
The Amendment 3 framework would not be my first choice if we were drafting legislation, but we're not; we're starting from the medical framework...
There have been so many things, and it's not just about Trump liking pro wrestling (lots of people did/do) or about Trump seeing Vince as being...
The comparisons between Trump/the "new right" and professional wrestling aren't new, but having just watched the Netflix documentary on Vince...
Are you asking about legal immigrants, asylum seekers, and/or only those who entered/stayed illegally? We have obviously had a lot of immigration...
I haven't seen a strong Vance impersonation from anybody and suspect his relatively flat and neutral affect make it difficult to exaggerate or...
They really did a great job with the forecasts on this one.
Bolded part stood out to me. Hurricane Helene Public Advisory At 1000 PM CDT (0300 UTC), the center of Hurricane Helene was located near...
I feel like I have sensed a shift from the "she has no experience and has never done anything" argument to a "she's secretly been the most...