Man, so close to a pick
Ok Burke, shut my ass up
Get a route to Badger please
Well they knew that was coming
Dike baby!
Every time I see Burke on the field I just get annoyed
At least we got a stop. Defense is on, gotta get the offense together
Would've worked fine if only Dike was there. He could've broken outside and caught it for 6
Badger needs to be on the field every play
Thank goodness, throw to Hansen more
How in the world
UF ball. These refs are morons
2 drops by Livingston. Get a new TE out there
Mizell bailed out the bad throw. I've been wanting to see him more all year
Let's do that 8 more times
Heck yeah
DL is gonna dominate this game
This is ridiculous. They need to settle down
Come on O. The plays are there