Yeah, that's kinda why trying to run sideways with multiple defenders there was a bad idea. Should have tucked down and gone forward instead of...
Just go forward and get the yard DJ, that sideways turn made no sense
Considering 99% of the angst is related to the offense I'm not sure what your point is. Scoring 9 point on Tulane through 2 and a half quarters...
Hot dang, a TD to Livingston. Let's get 2 more touchdowns please
The o/u was 49.5. So a 30-19 type of game was projected. The defense outperformed expectations partly thanks to their QB being awful, and the...
Of course, I was watching Muschamp lose to Georgia Southern at like 2 AM when I was in Oki.
I truly don't understand how some fans can watch this offense and be content
3 hitches. Lucky the defender underneath drifted
They also had 3 weeks to look at the 5 route combinations we've run for 3 years. That probably has a lot more to do with it
Dj isnt regressing. He should have thrown it away, but I'm not surprised he just tried to make something out of a terrible situation
Red zone play calling is so good
It's almost like having dedicated OC and ST coaches would allow the HC to focus on things like recruiting
Lol wtf. How? Why?
What an absolute trash broadcast. No replays for these backbreaking penalties?
That was a very poor decision
Dike clearly held on the deep ball, then they move us back 5. Nice
A sputtering offense and bend but don't break defense? That's exactly what we've seen so far
Lol I'm so glad Des didn't slam him
George Grubs. These dudes are so stupid
Lots of bad pass plays on that series. Might as well just keep running. And then this...