Get off my lawn! Also I enjoy reading the liberal lawyers on this board supporting his views when one is to basically disband the Supreme Court.
The amount of propaganda by the media is unreal. Sad thing is people just believe these reports.
Yeah it’s like he spends his days formatting these posts and just waits to copy and paste these bad boys into any and every thread.
Florida really is suffering under this government and new administration. 67k applications for the 2024 class. I do enjoy reading through these...
Don’t know if I can state it any clearer there.
My opinion. International students 1%. Out of state students 10%. Other 89% made up by in state students.
I am so “shocked” by some of the replies here from the usual suspects replying with race and daddy bought me in BS. What the OP is saying is that...
Loan forgiveness and migrant debit cards. Just buying votes.