Now that’s some wishful thinking. I am so looking forward to watching this board completely meltdown over the course of the next few months of...
Qualified or not his ability to speak and make actual sense is about 100000x the current VP. What can be unburdened by what has been lol. Looking...
Is this (poster) really downplaying a near fatal head shot? As I’ve read through your many replies in this thread they all seem to have the common...
I get that and agree the agents around the stage reacted quickly and put themselves in the path of potential future shots. The issue I have is...
Uh no. How in the hell do you leave a rooftop with clear line of sight unprotected? That’s kindergarten level incompetence.
Don’t you know that anyone that doesn’t agree with their point of view on anything must be MAGA? Talk about painting with a broad brush.
She won’t say anything because she is 84 years old and should also be booted out of office expeditiously. Others that should be kicked to the curb...
My mom has Alzheimers and has been in a memory care unit for 4 years. Thanks for the education. She’s 69 and had early onset at 63 so hopefully...
He should have come out whispering “I see dead people” and then break straight into a crip walk singing Kendrick Lamar. The race would be over!
Man he’s creepy when he whispers. Strange
When he says anyway…..drink!
The full onset reply was sarcasm in reply to a post. Geez man everything isn’t literal on a message board.
Here’s who he has called on tonight: Reuters AFP (France) CBS Financial Times AP Polish Radio NY Times Only thing missing is Horse and Hound
This press conference is like listening to your crazy grandpa tell a story that never ends and makes no sense.
Maybe full onset. I was trying to be polite.
For the last 8 years the media has shown every Trump gaffe of which I agree there are many. But those are currently being overshadowed by a...
It’s elder abuse what his family and the Dem party is doing to that man.
Inflation is the most egregious form of taxation on the lower and middle class. Thank goodness Manchin held out and didn’t let that last stimulus...
Yeah but he’d be the goodest dictator.