It’s like an echo chamber in here.
I’m generally interested in how you live day to day. Is your head going to explode if Trump wins? If Harris wins I will go on with my life without...
Shocking response from a liberal who can’t see anything outside his/her/he/him/she/her/they/them narrow window. Restriction of speech, as long as... Interesting article...
So the 4.4 Trillion in taxes last year weren’t enough to do all that you laid out above? The govt needs more? Seems logical.
I didn’t say rich people were good stewards of their money or that they are good for the economy. They earned the money and can spend as they...
Let’s take your point as valid (questionably) that billionaires aren’t efficient; who do they have to be good stewards for? Their heirs? You hate...
New York Times had an article yesterday on her tax plans. Outlined the corp tax rate and individual tax rates.
Nvidia’s earnings next week will dictate about as much or more to market direction/sentiment as Powells remarks today. Will be interesting to see...
Overreaction to his comments honestly. Everyone knew rate cuts were coming.
Can you read? I’m in the top tax bracket. That isn’t a net worth of 100 million which is only for the proposed tax on unrealized gains. She is...
Why would anyone want more funds going to an entity that is inefficient? The government has proven, regardless of party, that it doesn’t know what...
Watch the piece from CNBC this morning with Elizabeth Warren looking like a complete dumbass with regards to inflation and pricing.
I am in the top tax bracket so that impacts me directly. A corporate tax rate increase will impact everyone either directly or indirectly. Bottom...
That’s rich coming from the left. I’m the one that ignores anything that doesn’t align with their views?
There is no such thing as an unbiased source. There is no such thing as an unbiased person. Everyone and everything has bias.
Honestly what do you expect the media to say? Go back and watch addresses from Reagan or Clinton from the 80’s and 90’s. Make current politicians...
That’s hilarious coming from any liberal on this board. Thanks for the laugh to start the morning. Well done.
Harris wants higher taxes on corporations. Higher taxes on wealthy Americans. Taking the top rate to 39.6% and increasing the Medicare surtax to...
That’s not slut shaming lol. It’s a different kind of degradation but slut shaming it is not.