Denzel is playing great D on Hubbard so far.
A much needed 3 by Zel. Get that confidence going.
We have never scored when Clayton holds for the last shot.
Clayton is just launching bombs and they are turning them into fast break points.
There we go Clayton.
I bet we shoot 40 today.
So when Clayton drives to the basket and draws contact, no call. But if Hubbard drives to the basket and draws contact, immediate foul call. Got it.
Getting really hard to keep a positive outlook on this game. Nobody is really stepping up.
Alexis shooting threes is not the answer. They are baiting him into that.
Denzel has got to hit some of these wide open 3s.
Alexis with the best play he has had all day and gets a bogus foul called on him.
What is Chinyelu doing? He doesn't need to throw a 5'-10" point guard to the floor on a rebound.
You were saying?
This game is just a chucker's delight.
This seems like one of those games where we either hit a bunch of threes and win or miss them and lose. Clayton will need to put up 35+ for us to...
Boy oh boy. Big drop off between Condon/Haugh and Chinyelu and Alexis.
Crazy how quickly the outlook on a game and a season can change in college basketball. Losing Condon is such a bummer. I hope he is back by...
Maybe Todd wanted a foul called on Melendez pulling Condon to the floor.
Chinyelu getting lost on D.
Haugh going to have to step up big time today. Going to play a lot of minutes.