Yes. It helps avoid a repeat of 2020 if Trump doesn't have a big lead on election night in places like Pennsylvania. The way to remedy this? Vote...
Actually, there's a simple explanation. There's a group of D voters who prefer to vote on election day except during a global pandemic. There are...
We are a nation of laws. You said so yourself. And legally, overstaying a visa or entering the country without permission and not declaring asylum...
Ever speed while driving and not get pulled over? J-walked without a ticket? How about accidentally walked out of a store and forgot to pay for a...
Sales taxes, aid tariffs are de facto sales taxes, are regressive. Poor people spend almost their entire income on things they consume. Rich...
Just because someone in Arizona registers R doesn't mean they vote party ticket. I remind you again, since 2016, Arizona has voted for a D Senator...
Yes. That's because I'm well informed, smart, and over 50.
The data shows everyone 12 and older had lower hospitalization and morbidity rates. All the data. I ask again, why is that a bad thing?
The data also shows the vaccine was effective at preventing hospitalizations and deaths. Why is that a bad thing?
You have an open mind? Why post crap from easily debunked sources before searching for the truth first? This one debunks your claim from the...
Robert Malone? Please. Again, easily debunked.
Early voting in Arizona has a baseline. But in most states, we're looking at mass early voting for 2020, during the height of the pandemic. Can't...
VAERS is open source and unverified. It's not a legitimate source for data. And the evidence the vaccine caused excess death? Easily debunked...
VAERS is an open source, anyone can post database. It's great at detecting potential early trends. What is does not do is be a predictor of any...
If current pace continues for both parties, then the Ds will have a firewall of 415,000 votes. There is also no guarantee that people are voting...
There is a belief that one way or another, polls are going to be off in one direction or the other that one of the candidates is more likely to...
Prove it! Show some statistics and academic studies.
First off, to continue the microbiology education, mRNA is in every living thing. It's created when the body needs a protein. DNA cannot be...
mRNA vaccines are safer than traditional ones. mRNA is what triggers the immune system. The original COVID virus has the exact same mRNA strand as...
They might know who voted, but they don't know who anyone voted for. Counts aren't released until after polls are closed. And there are always...