This is the system working to prevent fraud votes.
I don't want any part of a women's decision, unless they want me a part of it. I believe these decisions should be between the woman, her medical...
These numbers are not out of the realm of reality. Especially when you consider gender and age.
Explain this to the doctors, hospital lawyers, and families of the dead women who would very likely be alive had the law not changed.
Indies are voting in large numbers in Arizona too. If Harris has a double digit lead among the indies, it all but wipes out any R advantage in the...
Even more Fascism from Dear Leader, who is unhappy Fox is running ads for Harris. When Dear Leader gets power again, all ads, on all stations will...
Tell that to the hospital lawyers. And the OBGYN and/or ER doctors. Or talk to Q. Even though he's not a lawyer or doctor, he seems to be the...
What year and school did you get your JD from? And have you passed the bar in Texas? Seems like a lawyer could make bank in Texas for all these...
Why don't you tell the families of the dead women that the doctors and hospital lawyers misinterpreted the law. I'm sure it will be real comforting.
Isn't it amazing that post Dobbs, the rise in pregnancy malpractice corresponds! But it can't be the law!
Law cases are public domain. Find the number of cases, during Roe, where women died because doctors refused care because of a fetus and let's...
So, before the law change, women were treated successfully in these cases and survived. After, several cases of women dying. But it's not the law?...
Then why have multiple women died?!?
Then explain why the woman in the OP and others in Texas in similar situations died!
You're lucky I'm not a betting man.
Nothing is wrong with me. I didn't write the article about LDS support for Harris. Not did I write the Harvard under 30 poll. I simply linked...
Nationally, Harris is winning the under 30 vote by 25+. And this poll was taken before the MSG "love fest" and the Access Hollywood tape going...
Here's an article on LDS support for Harris in Arizona. Ten years ago, if you asked these people if they would ever vote for a D for President,...
The betting markets can be explained by a case of follow the leader. Bettors are always looking for that next piece of intel to give them an...
The fetus had a heartbeat. Treating the woman's sepsis would have highly likely caused the fetal heartbeat to stop; or otherwise known as an...