We know where the next big earthquakes will happen — but not when 6) Climate change could have a tiny effect on earthquakes In general,...
I’m pretty sure some here have Trump U degrees, and some were washed out.
The SEC may have something to say about that. Elon got in serious hot water with his claim that he intended to take Tesla private @$420/share....
Yeah thanks when the guy said it was “fully secured by cash”. I thought he meant Trump had pled that but he meant they had the capital for it....
Well you would hope wrong. Seriously how is the first thing you did after reading this story NOT to check whether it’s legal in the state where...
There are so many reasons to appreciate Joe but the obvious one is for our strong economy. During his admin he’s created more jobs than any...
Rick Santelli on CNBC re March Jobs report “WOW”. “JUICY!” “Tip of the hat to Joe.” (Left unsaid) ‘WOW!’ CNBC Anchor Rick Santelli Stunned Over...
and it’s legal in Georgia. Womp womp…. It is reprehensible though that she was rude. LOL
The delusion is strong with this psychopath… Netanyahu Demands U.S. Send Weapons to Israel More Quickly: ‘Give Us the Tools Faster’
They piss on us and tell us it’s raining.
That’s a high middle finger from Nutty Yahoo to the US Govt., WOrld Kitchen and decent people everywhere. It certainly figured in to our break...
It DEPENDS. Ask Shitstain…
I assume Nutty Yahoo didn’t get the message in Biden’s “this is how it’s going to be” talk. US finally breaks with the murderous junta in Israel....
The economy is on FIRE! Best by far in the developed world....
We haven’t fallen either. There will be no soft landing cause the bull run is still on.
I ride thousands of miles a year. I wipe out frequently. If I don’t wipe out occasionally I’m not going hard enough. At 80+ Biden has been seen...
Just saw on CNN that Israel is floating an excuse that they use AI in targeting innocent civilians. Didn’t specifically say it was used in this...
We shouldn’t be selling them weapons either. Arms embargo now!
We (the west) have a (small) bit of a leash on them otherwise they might. The death count would certainly be much much higher if not.