Because you don't have foundational knowledge to engage in the conversation. And no. Not wasting my time.
Back in the early 2000's I lived in Dallas. I went over to Fort Worth and was surprised to see a derelict office tower that looked like it had...
if you’d don’t know if there is such a thing as sexual identity, then you should bow out of the conversation.
the more I hear from him the more I like. Has a good head on those big shoulders. ‘Reacher’ Star Fires Back at Cops Who Trolled Him Online
Just checking, the huckabillies are avowed Christians. Correct?
Which is weird because collectively the ilk are economically impoverished.
Not in place yet unfortunately.
Was also a boon to private jet companies Private-jet makers expect soaring sales | Arkansas Democrat Gazette I think we can all agree that...
All of them? Could be here forever.
Trump just confessed to the crime. Trials all but done. Lock him up. ‘Keep Confessing, Thank You’: Trump’s Courthouse Rant Raises Eyebrows As...
I see Pam Bondi is in there as well. It's fascinating how these low ranking Trumpaloons are in on the grift. I'm sure it extends to all kinds...
"Daddy trump" These people! SMH
Trump appears more alert today
Debates have been cancelled because as Trump slips deeper in to dementia he can't stay awake for them
Failed to hit home, maybe you’re just an easy mark?
none of these people have hired anyone…
Ba Your bitter tears are sweet nectar. Cry harder.
I’ve got to husband my empathy these days after I ran out my annual stock of thought and prayers in February. He doesn’t get some…
They should build a cage for Trump in the courthouse. He’s contemptible, let’s treat him like it.
More tankage for Trump’s stupid stock scam. Turns out issuing more shares doesn’t help with share price. Who knew?...