Ju It was definitely a hard time to be a grunt, regardless of where one served. I’m raising my glass to you my flat footed friend. Just curious…...
I gotta ask…. How did you manage to get sent to Korea in ‘67? You must’ve been born with a lucky horseshoe in your ass.
I’ll be watching with the mute button on.
I’m really happy that he was able to find his home at UF. I’ll always pull for a kid like Jordan. Whatever his future holds, the kid is a winner.
Caleb Douglas really came on… any info on this kid? I didn’t even hear about him I’m practice
he is loved
Isn't Keni singing CW? I ran into a friend of a friend who told me he was doing well.
Who's going to take care of the plants?
Shoo Troll, Shoo!!!!!!
Lot's... but you do realize they made a Flat Ronnie because they think he's a tool, right?
Anyone who thinks I'm steeping away from this thread after 700 pages and having my entire family pissed at me you can hug my nuts, because I'm...
I have actually watched games she calls, while the TV is on mute. My wife gives me this look like "what is wrong with you?" The only way I can...
How come every time I see your name on the message board my computer plays either Darth Vader's Theme song or Simon and Garfunkel's voice to...
I'll take that bet... it's not going to happen.
Monday's are brutal. Head up, drink some coffee and later Gator!
Queen, without sounding like a stalker, can I ask you what you do? Nope didn't work, that sounds completely psycho and I should delete it before I...
Don't move your lips, it makes you read less gooder.
Guys, I just learned from my The MySpace Page that Urban Myers quit.... but don't worry he decided to come back again. That was scary!!!! I'll...
will you send us a picture of you eating your own boxer shorts when CK is announced?
Dan Rather says hello