You do realize how ignorant that sounds? What happened to the joy?
Truth be known I drinked the kool-aid too.
Yeah I’m sure all them Jewish Muslim and Blacks that attended are loyal Nazis. Come on man I thought you were better than that. It’s ridiculous.
So how is the Nazi smear going about as good as the garbage gaffe.
I did put up I took your great advice and bet the Gators over Miami. Not only reason but you have been right in the past.
Might want to read the article on the Washington Post yesterday that I found interesting. It says some Republican and Independent women plan to...
Sorry I don’t bet with people i don’t know. We will find out soon enough.
You are being duped by your sources but hey it’s your $$$$$.
It’s Georgia week there is NOTHING good about Georgia.
Rather have the smoking hot Florida women.
I think he’s lost even his biggest supporters. Well at least most of them.
It was like watching a car wreck. You don’t want to look but can’t help it.
How could you be not sure because he has proven to be inept in his job.
Figures one of the two that agreed with this is a frigging Dawg. Other must not have understood the post.
OP said PWO.
VB 3 is definitely trending our way but nothing is ever certain until they sign.
I can handle myself and I sure don’t worry about trying to impress someone like you.
I would say I’m surprised but I’m not. You must love seeing us go down the tubes.
Man you are one kool aid drinking mofo. You must be one of those peeps who love being punched in the face by Senile Joe. Sad
Voting for Joe again is like someone repeatedly punching you in the face and you still ask for them to continue to do it!!!!