Yep your choice I agree.
Ok sounds like you have to accept the fact he won too. Might as well accept it you will feel better.
Glad we didn’t need that vote Tilly you got the right to vote for whoever you want but bottom line it’s a wasted vote but at least you voted.
I got a different opinion from people I know. She’s ok and surely a hell alot better than Clinton or Harris
Went on way too long before it was addressed but when the leadership of the party is peddling that garbage why should we expect any difference?
You must be a fun person to be around.That is if you are miserable.
Can you name one person besides the average person that compares her to Hildabeast? That’s a unfair comparison.
We definitely know what it means it’s the lefts go to card. Just keep it up and see how it works during the mid terms in 2 years.
Too bad manual labor is beneath you. Explains why you are a Harris supporter. Gotcha
Don’t think gang members are picking any tomatoes damn you people got your head so far up your ass you can’t see any daylight but that’s ok “We...
Do it your own self just like I do. It won’t hurt you.
Not even worth a response funny I can’t remember any of that crap your fear mongers are trying to peddle happening the first term. Keep being...
I’d take him EVERYTIME over a leftist socialist Democrat who tried to tell everybody that she had flip flopped on every core value she has! Most...
Only difference I had in your take is I never thought Harris had a chance. Terrible candidate by a terribly run campaign staff.
Gotta know when to hold them and know when to fold them according to “THE GAMBLER “
No I’ve never been a fan of CNN even before they went left.
No he didn’t over perform the pundits and pollsters had it wrong….. AGAIN
No it’s funny, I love watching how smug and arrogant the libs were but again they are in shock kinda like the blowhards in here.
Blah Blah Blah word salad
Typical crap from the left just keep convincing yourself of that if it helps with your boo boo.