It didn't start trollish, but went sideways fast.
I don't think he did much of anything in a UF jersey. If I'm thinking right he was relegated to STs. No hate on the guy, but he's not SEC quality....
I believe there were some rumors that's a reason why ETN transferred was b/c Johnson was staying. I honestly believe Webb replaces ETN w/o a hitch.
Napier honestly needs to go full in on Bond if he fully enters. Any OL improvement and add him to go with our young WR/TE core UF could be off to...
I'm in the pro Napier group, but I have to be completely honest and say IF he losses to that miami team, outside of some massive injuries, then he...
Not 100% sure of the details but it wasn't because he drove. Was more about the deals between the 3 over phone calls as well. Atkins also...
No way in Hades that wasn't planned. He absolutely knew he wasn't coaching in 2024 but lied to recruits to put a final stamp on his own ego.
Do the car dealerships $aban owns come with the job? lol Better hire than I would have hoped they'd get. But $aban was as successful as he was...
Idk, apparently Isiah Bond is hitting the portal & he's their #1 WR.
You're not wrong at all, some people are who they are & they'll never change no matter how much proof you give them. For example on Facebook a...
Anyone comparing Napier’s recruiting to Mullen’s needs their head examined. UF is 75% where we are because Mullen was so gotdayum AWFUL at HS...
If 2024 he comes out and nothing looks improved then I don't think even his biggest supports can justify another season. Especially as this team...
$aban is the GOAT at master manipulation. Yet people still bow to him. Smfh
Ohhh contraire.... it's now no secret rivals are pointing recruits to Gator social media sites and having them read the vitriol by our OWN fanbase...
I honestly can't believe I forgot about Marshall, but he's the lone player left that was ever good enough. I'm loving the Harris hire so I have...
Yes, he's their ace recruiter. Now it's obvious why better teams haven't poached him.
fsu is going to regret that!
Everyone is acting like it's a forgone conclusion CBN will have a 3rd straight losing season. That's what's poisoning the well.