ApexNC..........................1655 ETGator..........................915 ThePlayer…………………………860 SmootyGator...................850...
Ole Miss 100
ApexNC..............................1485 SmootyGator.......................960 RealtyGator………………......…….890 gatorwilly……………….....…………880...
You have been assessed the penalty for missing picks, but since you "checked in" I will not count this towards the two-straight-weeks-missed rule...
Sorry, anything posted after the deadline is late, regardless of the game kickoff time. Be thankful that I am a stickler when it comes to the...
Alabama 100
ApexNC.........................1405 Distant Gator…………………..1142 gatorwilly…………………………1080 RealtyGator…………………..….990...
Vegas nailed the Georgia game, 45-3...
I have sometimes posted win rate in the past, but my spreadsheet isn't set up to calculate it. So to do so I have to do it manually, which is...
Since he posted his picks before the deadline but did not designate points for each, my ruling is that each of these is a 34 point wager. He was...
Auburn 100
Go to regular youTube just before kickoff. Search "Florida McNeese football game". Somebody is bound to be streaming it. I did it for the Utah...
Distant Gator…………………..1270 ApexNC.........................1135 RealtyGator…………………….1090 gatordavisl......................995...
The hardest lesson for people to learn in this game. If you are a diehard Gator fan, it is next to impossible for you to make an impartial...
Yes, they will start with 900 points...
Sorry, but all bets have to be in THIS thread. It's just as well for you anyways... ;)
Tennessee 100