You're correct on the result of the game. I conflated it with the home/away. Minor was the road team. From the video I saw, the officer was...
The only issue I have there is that non-citizens are issued DLs. If there's a restriction on the DL indicating those not eligible to vote (like...
And that's a salient point. But again, the home team's band director immediately complied. Maybe it makes a difference that they were asked...
I disagree for several reasons. First, we don't know for sure but I'm pretty sure the school district has some sort of guidelines for postgame;...
Perhaps not, hard to determine really. It also didn't happen until things had escalated well beyond where they ever should have in the first...
Thanks for posting this as I hadn't found it before! After watching, this confirms to me the director's attitude and disdain for what he was...
Wow, Don MacLean almost couldn't have sung it any better. "The players tried to leave the field, the marching band refused to yield." (slightly...
Nvm, the joke was apparently too old. Amy Schumer joked that John Cena was 'actually inside her' when they filmed sex scene
Even better than in "trainwreck?"
Just watched "The Big Short" on Netflix. One would think it's an absolute snoozer of a subject to create a full-length film (the subprime bubble...
So your the one who wrote the MSDS on women? :D [IMG] And just to prove I'm equal opportunity... [IMG]
Yeah, my problem is part genetic, part age and part portion control (I eat too much too fast). In my defense I do exercise 3-4 times a week...
Hey, I constantly tell my doctor that I'm in shape. Round is a shape.
Maybe I lucked out on that one then. 1st shot had no noticeable side effect, 2nd one caused me to have arm pain at the site which a couple...
I'd argue against that anecdotally. Every time I did take the flu shot as a kid, I ended up with the flu. 100% of the time. Since I stopped...
The flu shot is where my willingness to vaccinate ends. It's a matter of simple statistics there, not any fear of a jab. Typically there are...
He needs to take lessons from Chevy Chase. [MEDIA]
It's far easier to blame whichever political party is in charge than take personal responsibility for one's own actions. That's the real tragedy....
I'm not in FL, but at first blush this appears to be a blatant abuse of the system. I like the idea of vouchers with the intent of kids getting...
He was bombastic, controversial and did a lot of things many people (including myself) did not like and vehemently disagreed with. However, I...