[MEDIA] Looks familiar ... :emoji_thinking:
I think I see where you're going with this. Boyle's Law will cause an increase in pressure and temperature within the cooler (assuming it's...
I'm not a physics PhD, but an engineer with a keen interest in this kind of stuff. Your assumption is one of a single object and a single...
As I understand it, your basic premise is faulty here. As it's temp drops it's mass would decrease because E = mc². That's not precisely true....
That's somewhat surprising on the failure rates. As long as the aircraft passes DO-160 (FAA) or ED-14g (EASA) testing, they can pretty much do...
Someone smarter with gifs and memes than I needs to take the Dave Chapelle crack one and replace him with a bear.
Hopefully he didn't break it dragging Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes. [IMG] Seriously though, wishing him a speedy...
My vote is we remove both Biden and Trump from the ballot in all 50 states. And while we're at it, remove anyone who's ever made it past June in...
It is a contributor though. The extra weight makes the organs work harder. Higher blood pressure, the liver, kidneys and pulmonary system all have...
This is spot on as far as the motivation. Reminds me of when Howard Stern first hit the mainstream airwaves. They paraphrased it in that horrible...
Welp, at least she's got her insanity plea lined up for the judge. If this is actually typical of the generation then society is in bigger...
I got into a back and forth with my HOA over taking my Christmas lights down in February. They refused to believe me repeatedly telling them they...
Gives new meaning to the phrase "horn blows, does the driver?"
Funny you mention the "rising tide" remark. Stumbled across the following (it's outdated, but addresses the same issue from when Obama called for...
That's a heck of an assumption. A shortage of competition should be dictated by the market and the consumer, not the government.
Why? Increased competition drives down prices.
By the logic in #1, why not have a $100 minimum wage? They'll be even better off. Capacity is irrelevant in this case. The price floor is still...
I agree with your 2nd paragraph, but the first one is dead wrong. It's simple math. Wages rise means a company's costs rise cutting into profit...
I don't believe so. Hicks bought the franchise outright in the '98 sale. He sold in '10 to some conglomerate group headlined by Nolan Ryan.