To be honest, unless you have a legitimate reason to not sit on a jury, we all should attend and not "try to get out of" jury duty. If no one...
Ironic considering his current wife and mother of his son is (checks notes) an immigrant.
With our son, my wife didn’t know she was pregnant until 11 weeks. A few home tests came back negative and when one finally came back positive...
Clearly not. I don’t want government wasting time on drag shows, for example, and criminalizing behavior that politicians don’t agree with.
I'm 56 and want a small government and have ZERO interest in supporting social conservatives.
Didn't he already resolve these tax issues? Or are these new charges?
A study from the Institute of Family Studies that may or may not be the best source. Take with a grain of salt.
No, we wouldn't. What's the cause of action that allows for the suit? This is nonsense and will be tossed out by ANY court.
dear leader's record in court has been pretty bad. This will make it worse.
It was The Bob's lifetime achievement award. When SWAC lost to ND, the voters protected them and bumped them from 1 to 2. Fast forward three...
These "debates" need to have the moderator kill the mike of the person who is not supposed to be speaking. These come across as an episode of...
I thought she had good executive branch and foreign policy experience, but recently she's been tweeting to placate the social conservatives and...
And completely ignoring voters in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
What about any "abandoned" bases? I'lll be honest, I am not sure if the military has any.
Crude is trading below $80/barrel, so why the hell is gas still above $3/gallon??
Frankly, the only time I watch ads is during a sporting event. Maybe the news. Otherwise, we use the DVR and fast forward over commercials.
Is there any reason we cannot use military bases to house migrants until their asylum hearings can be completed?
cockroaches hate sunshine
Well at least dear leader has made sure that you cannot have a drag show in your car, so there's that...
Because they only care about attacking "the others." The evening schedule is not news, but mindless opinion programming.