1) this is a stupid idea 2)it will take the focus off of his failed campaign promises 3) just because you’re in the same party as him does not...
BDS from the OP
Breitbart? tangerine man's lack of serious response made covid much worse. He should have made a statement from Oval Office encouraging...
you have GOT to be kidding
He will have to get legislation through Congress or else the courts will strike down “Captain EO’s” orders. Again. He doesn’t seem to understand...
James Buchanan would like a word
As soon as he drops dead, no one will care about tangerine man.
And if Biden had made this type of claim, right wingers would lose their minds. Tangerine Man says it and they all nod like bobble heads.
With that in mind, I'd love to see the B1G extend an invite to USF: Member of the AAU and the Tampa Bay TV market would be huge for the conference.
"I got nowhere else to go!!" -- Officer Candidate Zach Mayo, "An Officer and A Gentleman"
And in the ACCCG their offense was a complete mess the only decent play they ran was a Wildcat run that led to their only TD.
Ahhh, got it. Thanks for the clarification.
I thought that the power 4 conference winners were seeds 1 - 4?
Liberty… Liberty…Liberty… Libb—-errrr-teeee!!!! Libb—-errr-teee!!!!
How many trips have we made to aTm? And how many times has UGa played them?
I thought the SAME THING! Why didn't he shower and change into street clothes?
The world has turned upside down! UT fans started doing the Chomp when we best OM! Crazy!
Mac DID recruit the players that made Mullen look really good.
$600 on a four team $50 parlay.