Wasn’t suggesting that. You have gone to him to fact check seemingly positive news, didn’t know if you had done the same with the latest round of...
I think this commenter has said that they have a “pro” source - not necessarily affiliated with the school(s). Would be an interesting additional...
Your last couple of posts don’t do a lot to inspire confidence. Starting to feel like you’re hedging your bets a little...
Correct me if wrong but you’re on the record as having a source, right? If so, any word to legitimize today’s reports?
The clarity I was seeking burst off the page.
Appreciate you taking the time to respond. I’ve been a longtime commenter at AA because of the community but I have to say, I’m really enjoying...
Question for clarity: have y’all seen anything that would lead someone else to report negatively? If not, can y’all disclose what makes y’all so...
I feel like this is the same story being repeated at each site from the same source. Might be accurate but there’s nothing new from other previous...
I think that’s the first mention of it. I’m a willing believer but I just don’t see much that makes me think it won’t happen. Typical national...
Very nice. BGEs are awesome grills. My dream set up would be one of those and a Traeger.
Love his site. As an engineer, his reasoning appeals to me. Him being a Gator only makes it better.
You miss my point - I’m not worried about them seeing ANY of this but if I had to order the “potentially offensive” stuff, cursing/bikini pics...
Obvs Tinder. Get with the times man...
Try dry brining. Won’t dilute the juices, keeps the meat moist, and provides a crunchy skin. You won’t be disappointed.
Martha Stewart don’t smoke. You can find some of her favorite recipes on pg 136 though.
I dry brine mine 24 hours prior. Also, I don’t use sugar in my poultry rubs because I don’t want it to burn at those higher temps. Pork/beef is a...
That’s why I asked. I’d be more comfortable with my kids/wife seeing some of the bikini pics as opposed to reading what’s written here. Not that I...
I love the strong (hickory/oak) woods for beef and I use them for pork butts sometimes. I’ve been known to use a nut wood on poultry but it’s not...
Can we curse here? I ask because my gut reaction is “F*** YES!!!”
My dad was at an apple orchard recently and failed to pick up any excess branches. I was so disappointed.