UF: 93 UA: 90 MVG: Pullin SOG: 35%
UF: 89 USC:85 MVG: Samuel SOG: +7
Gators: 79 Mizzou: 66 MVG: Pullin SOG:9/3
UF: 84 Vandy: 69 MVG: Kugel SOG: 10
UF:87 UA: 77 MVG: Kugel SOG: 8
UF: 87 GA: 75 MVG: Kugel SOG: 9
UF: 86 Auburn: 84 MVG: Kugel SOG: 13
UF: 88 UK: 85 MVG: Kugel SOG: 12
Was wondering the same thing.
UF: 88 GA: 75 MVG: Kugel SOG: +6 Gators
Gators: 85 Dogs: 73 MVG: Kugel SOG: 11
Gators: 88 Mizzou: 80 MVG: Kugel SOG: 44%
UF: 76 UT: 73 MVG: Kugel SOG: +4 UF
UF: 90 Ole Miss: 81 MVG: Kugel SOG: 70%
UF: 84 UK: 75 MVG: Kugel SOG UF+6
I always root for the Gators to win handily. However, when it comes to Kentucky, I really hope that the Gators win due to a terrible call by an...
Gators: 77 Bobcats" 70 MVG: Kugel SOG: +1 Pullin
Gators: 91 GSU: 67 MVG: Kugel SOG: 22/22
UF: 75 Mich: 67 MVG: Kugel SOG: N
Gators: 86 ECU: 68 MVG: Kugel (statement game for him) SOG: +11